Rob Mercer has reached out

Rob Mercer admits he faked cancer for freeroll at...

A few months ago, American player Rob Mercer announced on the crowdfunding platform that he had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and had little time left. One of his wishes was to participate in the world’s major events. Event Series Poker.

The poker community can be very tight-knit at times, so some players were quick to respond to his protests. Among them is Hustler Live Casino co-founder Nick Vertucci.

Within a few weeks, the “terminally ill man” had raised more than $40,000 before heading to Las Vegas. He did play in the main event (with no prize money), but he was happy with the money he received. As Rob himself wrote on social media, he even had time to relax with adult film stars.

Some players who donated decided to find out if Rob was really sick. After a brief investigation it was discovered that Rob had not been seeing a specialist and had not been diagnosed.

In response, Rob deleted himself from social media and remained silent until this week. “I think I have breast cancer.”

The scammer was caught and asked to provide proof of his disease. Rob contacted the host of the Las Vegas Review-Journal Podcast and told the truth:

“I lied about having colon cancer. I don’t have it. I used her to cover up my situation.” “I did something wrong. I shouldn’t have told people I had colon cancer. “I was influenced to do so when people asked me what kind of cancer I had,” Rob said. ”

However, Rob continued to change his stance. According to him, he diagnosed himself with “male breast cancer” but was ashamed to admit it. He also did not see a doctor because he was worried that the doctor would tell He was dying.

A spokesperson for the platform contacted Rob to discuss returning the fraudulently obtained funds. However, Mercer refused to refund the money, again citing undiagnosed breast cancer.

After these incidents, the poker community no longer suspected that Rob was cheating solely for financial gain. However, this set an unpleasant precedent for those who sincerely seek help in difficult situations.

Rob Mercer admits he faked cancer for freeroll at...

Comments (4)

  • Nitzsche.spencer

    This text describes an American poker player who lied about having terminal cancer in order to receive donations from the poker community. He later admitted to the lie but refused to return the money. This incident has created distrust within the poker community and may make it more difficult for people seeking genuine help in similar situations.

  • This text describes a fraudulent situation where an American poker player falsely claimed to have terminal cancer in order to receive crowdfunding money. The player initially lied about having colon cancer but later changed his story to male breast cancer. The incident has created distrust within the poker community and sets a negative precedent for those genuinely seeking help in difficult situations.

  • This text highlights the unethical actions of Rob Mercer, who falsely claimed to have terminal cancer in order to receive financial assistance. His deception has damaged the trust within the poker community and set a negative precedent for those in genuine need of support.

  • This text highlights the unfortunate situation where a poker player falsely claimed to have terminal cancer in order to receive financial support. It sheds light on the consequences of deceit in a community that often comes together to help those in need.

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